Thursday, November 23, 2006


Technorati.... A name that is no stranger to many bloggers. It is a blog search engine with a twist for bloggers. With it bloggers' articles could be search easily.

Here are Top Ten (10) Important features made available by Technorati to bloggers.

  1. Ping service for notification of new post by a blogger.
  2. Claiming of blog ownership.
  3. Bookmarking favorite sites.
  4. Listing of bloggers' site by popularity and top searched keywords.
  5. Featured bloggers are listed on the main page.
  6. Latest popular videos on YouTube linked by bloggers.
  7. Technorati Mini to keep track on new conversations made of a specific keywords.
  8. Watch lists to keep track of your favorite keywords.
  9. Technorati Tools are provided for bloggers to put on their blogs to keep track of statistics.
  10. The Technorati cloud tags provide great information on what are bloggers currently writing about.

With this post, I'm claiming this blog into my Technorati Profile.

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